The question has arisen several times in my heart, "What do you dream of?". A scary question to someone who thought what God always expected to hear was the reply, "Whatever you want God." But the reality is though God desires my obedience, He is not in want of a puppet. He made me unique and wants a relationship with me and wants someone to co-labor with Him. Genesis 2:19 says, "Now out of the ground the Lord God had formed every beast of the field and every bird of the heavens and brought them to the man to see what he would call them. And whatever the man called every living creature, that was its name". God was and is perfectly capable of creating and giving names to the animals, but he gave that job to Adam. He allowed someone to create with Him. He allowed someone to dream with Him.We who are also made in the image of a creative God were designed to create as well.
So many times I would take the dreams and desires of my heart and so often shove them away when in fact most of them were inspired by God in the first place. Realizing this, I have began to look at Psalm 37:4 that says, "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart" in a different light. Perhaps it is not trying to say if you play your cards right with God, you finally get what you want. Or even congratulations, that thing you never really desired has secretly been dropped into your heart and God is going to give it to you. No, I don't think that's it. I think when Scripture says when we delight ourselves in Him or in other words have deep focused relationship with Him that the very parts of our hearts that He created come fully alive. I like the way Mike Bickle explains it. "There’s a reason you feel a pure sense of pleasure when you do certain things. Perhaps they are the things you were truly made to do... God placed those desires in their hearts and when they express them, He draws especially near to them. God intimately knows what is in each of us. He totally comprehends the passions that He specifically designed for our hearts. When we express them, He has joy in His heart, and He means for us to experience some of this joy."
I know that dreaming with a creative God sets hope in my heart for what is to come in my walk with Him. I have began to keep a dream journal not just of what God speaks in the night, but what He has and will lay on my heart in the day. With these visions written out, I find encouragement because I know I can not fail in pursuing this vision when I am working with the One who finds nothing impossible. So dream on brothers and sisters!