Friday, August 23, 2013

The Art of Comparing

  You might be like me and at one point or another in your life you may have said out loud or in your heart,  "It's not fair! Why does he/she always get to _________?" *note- fill in the blank according to your situation.

Maybe it's on a physical, intellectual, spiritual, or even on a sibling rivalry level ("why does she get more food than me?!". I feel terribly bad for my mom who put up with our constant complaining about one another). Either way deep down this question that we ask ourselves when we look at others and in some way compare, I feel comes out of a place of insecurity.

There is pressure in our society to be the best. As a result, we like to stand metaphorically next others and see how we measure up. Am I better? Better looking? Braver? Smarter? Richer? Faster? Furthest spitter ? (again with the sibling rivalry's a serious thing). Out of our place of insecurity, we are hoping that by comparing and obtaining positive opinions of those around you and the answer being "yes I am better" it will make you feel better about yourself. But if some how you find that the answer is "no", heaven forbid anyone find out the jealousy you now have or even the self loathing you feel about yourself because your not "good enough". Is anyone feeling what I'm saying right now?

But why on God's green Earth do we need to compare ourselves to others and feel a sense of value when we are productive, advancing, and supposedly the "best"? Thats the thing...we don't.Don't get me wrong your efforts and hard work in whatever area of your life you are putting fourth should be applauded, but is that as far as your value goes?
We...YOU are an individual created in the image and likeness of God. He placed an unique soul, gifts, callings, longings, burdens, and abilities in you along with a personality all wrapped up in what is currently your human body to make what is you, you. When someone such as your lovely self tries to compare, you wont quite measure up. Why? Because you are using the wrong ruler (other people) to find your value and even your quality! People are in reality imperfect, but there is only One who sees rightly into your heart and everything that you are. He sees you not just as good, but as "very good". Oh, how valuable does that make you not only to God, but to the rest of the world, even if others don't see it, notice it, or acknowledge it?

You are the apple of God's eye and He loves you for you. So don't feel jipped by God or insecure when you look at other people and see their success, their popularity, or their skill sets you wished you had. Instead, rejoice that someone you know is moving forward in God's plan for their life and more importantly ask Him personally what is it He has placed in you that He loves and that makes you special. Find your wholeness in Him...You just may find you also have an honored part to play in God's purpose.

1 comment:

  1. If you need prayer or encouragement feel free to drop me a line here or at my gmail email:
